歡迎來到 7OCEANS —— 讓度假氛圍融入日常生活
在 7OCEANS,我們將度假的悠閒與優雅帶入你的日常生活。讓每個空間都像是一處放鬆身心的度假勝地,是我們的使命。
我們的產品採用 高強度 HDPE 合成藤條,即使在極端氣候下,依然能保持色彩鮮豔與耐用性。我們的工匠不只是家具製造的專家,更是打造優質生活方式的藝術家。他們運用 不鏽鋼、鋁合金與永續來源的柚木,結合精湛工藝,讓每件家具兼具美感與耐久性。
無論是 塔希提的熱帶風情、挪威的自然景致、拉斯維加斯的繁華都市、佛羅里達的陽光沙灘,還是 多倫多的城市氛圍,我們的產品都能完美融入,為你的空間增添一抹度假般的輕鬆感。
7OCEANS 不只是家具,更是一種生活態度。
從 台灣出發,走向世界,我們致力於為你的生活空間帶來獨特的度假風情,打造舒適又充滿品味的生活體驗。
Welcome to 7OCEANS – Where Vacation Meets Everyday Life
At 7OCEANS, we bring the essence of a vacation into your daily life.
Our mission is to create spaces that feel both elegant and relaxing,
just like a perfect getaway.
Each of our products is crafted with care, using durable high-intensity HDPE wicker that maintains its vibrant color even in extreme weather. Our expert artisans combine stainless steel, aluminum, and sustainably sourced teak with refined craftsmanship, ensuring both beauty and longevity.
From the tropical paradise of Tahiti to the serene landscapes of Norway,
the bustling streets of Las Vegas, the sunny beaches of Florida,
and the urban charm of Toronto, our furniture seamlessly blends into any environment, adding a touch of resort-style comfort.
More than just furniture, 7OCEANS is about a way of life—one that prioritizes comfort, style, and a sense of escape. From Taiwan to the world, we are committed to transforming spaces into havens of relaxation and sophistication.
Let’s create a world where every day feels like a vacation.
混搭風格 獨一無二的家具設計
We care about sustainability,
consciousness and innovation.